কথা ছিল তুমি আকাশ থেকে
এক মুঠো মেঘ এনে দেবে
মেঘ নয়, বিদ্যুৎ এনে দিলে
তবু কিছু বলিনি
কথা ছিল তুমি পাহাড় থেকে
মৃতসঞ্জীবনী এনে দেবে
তা নয়, মৃত বরফ এনে দিলে
তবু কিছু বলিনি
কথা ছিল তুমি সমুদ্র থেকে
সমুদ্র কন্যা এনে দেবে
তা নয়, সুনামি এনে দিলে
তবু কিছু বলিনি
কথা ছিল তুমি আগ্নেয়গিরি থেকে
এক বুক উত্তাপ এনে দেবে
তা নয়, সেই বুকে লাভা ঢেলে দিলে
তবু কিছু বলিনি
আসলে তুমি কোনদিন কথা রাখনি
এই সত্যটি না বুঝে বারবার ছুটেছি
মরুতে মরূদ্যান খুঁজেছি
তবু তোমায় কিছু বলতে পারি নি ।
[Following is the official OnlineBookClub.org review of "Epic of Time" by Sandip Goswami.]
"Epic of Time" by Sandip Goswami is said to be "The fossil of humanity by an individual..."
As that is the first thing I read, I get a certain image in my mind. In millions of years, when future civilizations dig us up, they will find this book. Based solely off the information within, they will come to know our society. That is my mindset going into this, and I should say, I was not disappointed.
Diving headfirst into the book, I feel at first that it is a wonderful representation of who we are. Touching on subjects such as religion, poetry, love, and life, it really expresses the things we hold dearest to us. Three poems in, I feel like the culture described is beautiful, and tries to heal all the wounds it inflicts upon itself by creating. Whether that be art, family, or the idea of a higher power, it really sums us up pretty well.
Bearing in mind my first image of the future civilizations, I appreciate all the little explanations very much. For example, after the poem about Mother Teresa, Goswami puts in a little part at the bottom explaining who she was and what she did to change our world. There are other little things like that throughout the book that make it that much better.
After writing about all the wonderful aspects of the book, I must admit that there are some things that I would change. As this book is supposed to be representing humanity as a whole, I feel like there was too much focus on India. I would have much preferred something with more diversity. While I'm on the topic of India, I noticed that there were two almost identical poems included about the Prime Minister of India. They even had the same format. I would suggest including only one of them, specifically the one entitled "About India." Two other cases of almost identical poems were found, which I won't go into detail about.
Overall, I would give this book a rating of 4 out of 4 stars. The idea of this book was exceptionally unique, and it was executed very well, with just a few exceptions. I'm not the biggest poetry fan, but I still thoroughly enjoyed reading this, and would suggest giving it a read.