আমি আমার বাবাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিলাম,
বাবা, জীবন কাকে বলে ?
তিনি ধীরস্বরে বলেছিলেন, কর্তব্যই জীবন ।
আমি আমার মাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিলাম,
মা, জীবন কাকে বলে ?
তিনি মিষ্টি হেসে বলেছিলেন, দায়িত্বই জীবন ।
আমি আমার শিক্ষক মহাশয়কে জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিলাম,
স্যার, জীবন কাকে বলে ?
তিনি আদর করে বলেছিলেন, শিক্ষাই জীবন ।
আমি আমার আধ্যাত্মিক শিক্ষককে জিজ্ঞাসা করেছিলাম,
গুরুজী, জীবন কাকে বলে ?
তিনি দৃঢ়তার সাথে বলেছিলেন, সাধনাই জীবন ।
আজ আমার নবম শ্রেণিতে পাঠরত পুত্র জিজ্ঞাসা করল,
বাবাই, জীবন কাকে বলে ?
আমি ওকে বলেছি, "বাবা, তুমি আমার জীবন ।"
(Reviewed by Rich Follett for Readers' Favorite
Epic of Time by Sandip Goswami is a sweeping collection of brutally honest and mesmerizing poems reflecting the pain, passion, and paradoxes of contemporary India. Complex issues are addressed in staccato phrases brimming with poignant parallelism and a deeply personal sense of urgency. This collection of poetry has the impact of a train wreck in which the twisted metal scraps form exquisite patterns of symmetry and line - one wants desperately to appreciate the art without having to witness its genesis. It is perhaps one of the most compelling aspects of this dynamic collection that the art and the genesis are inseparable. The pain, passion, and paradoxes of contemporary Indian culture exist side by side in a raw, deeply affecting symbiosis that often leaves the reader breathless. From “The Students into Terrorism”: “Believe me dear children/I am crying …/The Soul of India is crying …/The Almighty is crying …/We are powerless in the world like you/We have only tears for you...”
In Epic of Time, Sandip Goswami has penned a masterful portrait of a nation divided by uncertain futures, clashing religions, generational value shifts, and a troubled past. Goswami uses his poet’s voice to lay bare the throbbing nerves of a culture in chaos and mourning for its former identity. Along with the pain, however, there is great joy: an infinite abiding love of country which permeates every poem in the collection. From “Magic of Indian Democracy”: “Prime-minister of India is enchanting to the world/But Prime-minister of India says that/He is a servant of one hundred twenty five crore (1.25/billion) Indians/It’s the magic of Indian democracy/Indians are all kings in their kingdom.” Epic of Time by Sandip Goswami is an exotic, urgent poetic call to reason - truly, a powerful reflection of life among troubled souls in a troubled age, always looking toward a horizon of hope.)